This R package is a compilation of functions to calculate numerical agricultural soil management indicators from a management timeline of an arable field. The functions can also be used independently of the management timeline to calculate some indicators or parts thereof. Throughout the package, many assumptions were made (e.g. on time to crop establishment). These assumptions are, whenever possible, based on the literature that is cited within the function descriptions. The assumptions are considered to be representative for temperate agro-ecosystems, i.e. in the Swiss midlands.
SoilManageR organizes management data in management data frames
, from this the indicators can then be
calculated. For the calculations there are main functions and helper
functions that are called by the main functions (Fig. 1). Both type of
functions rely on reference data for their calculations. The package is
distributed with some supporting documents. Further documents, e.g. the
illustrated guide to identify soil management operations, can be found
on Zenodo.
You can install the current release version of SoilManageR from CRAN with:
or you can install the development version of SoilManageR from GitLab with:
We suggest to start the workflow with importing a
from a XLSX template.
#define path to excel template in the SoilManageR package
internal_path <- "/extdata/SoilManageR_mgmt_data_template_V2.6.xlsx"
#create local path
path_to_xlsx_template <- system.file(internal_path, package = "SoilManageR")
#load management_df
mgmt_data <- management_df_from_excel(path_to_xlsx_template)
Then the management_df()
can be checked for internal
consistency with the check_management_df()
#create management_df from example data (delivered with the package)
mgmt_data <- EXAMPLE_data
#arrange the example data by date and order of operations
mgmt_data <- arrange_management_df(mgmt_data)
#check the consistency of the example data
#visualise the example data
When the management_df()
shows no issues, then all
indicators can be calcualted with
# calculate indicators by year
# caluculate indicators by crop
Alternatively, the indicators could be calculated individually
#estimate carbon input
#calculate tillage intensity
#calculate soil cover
#calculate nitrogen input and livestock intensity
#calculate plant diversity indication
Users can also customize the calculation of the indicators by using the extended output of the indicator calcualtion functions.
#extended output for the estimate carbon input
C_input(mgmt_data, extended.output = T)
#extended output for the calculate tillage intensity
tillage_intensity(mgmt_data, extended.output = T)
#extended output for the calculate soil cover
soil_cover(mgmt_data, extended.output = T)
#visualize the extended output for the soil cover
soil_cover_data <- soil_cover(mgmt_data, extended.output = T)
#extended output for the calculate nitrogen input and livestock intensity
N_input(mgmt_data, extended.output = T)
All helper functions can be called directly, please check the description of the functions for more information on them.
This R package was developed by following the book R Packages (2nd Edition) by Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan. Our work is based on the accomplishments of many others. In particular, we would like to thank Sonja Keel (Agroscope, Switzerland), Martin Bolinder (SLU, Sweden), Giulio Feruzzi (USDA-NRCS, USA), Lucie Büchi (University of Greenwich, United Kingdom) for their advice and support.
For further information on SoilManageR please contact [email protected] or [email protected].